Thursday, March 15, 2012

...on the trampoline ...with one of Silas' friends from New Hope

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It's Chapati time...the weekend here is a time for some communal cooking, and so our 'willing' volunteers took on the challenge of cooking chapati's for all of us...very nice they were too. Thanks one and all!

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Fun in the sun..

These photos are from back in January when our good friends were over from the UK. Happy days! Joel and Anthony got a record score on bat and ball ... We had human pyramid competitions ... Julie took time to snooze ... And Rachel gave out free beauty tips. We had a fun time.

IY's ...

There is always time for some fun and games when Steve is around when it all gets a bit tiring on the CV front then out come the games...and trust games are always a winner here.

Yup - that was a juicy mango!

IY students ....

In the final week of their initial training the IY students have to write a CV, and learn about what to put in a covering letter etc .... then they get to use what they have done in the interviews that will lead into their first placements. It is a bit of a nerve wracking experience for some of them and there are always lots of questions about how to get it right...and plenty of discussion about what to put in ... here a couple of the boys are picking Kasules brain about what he thinks..

we love the rain!!

The rains have come here in Kampala, and we are loving it - especially those in the family who are under 13 years old! We had a downpour on Saturday and watched as our kids stripped off shirts and sprinted round the house. It was such good rain we decided to do hairwashing at the same time! Lots of hilarity - followed by hot chocolate and then a warm bath! Mmmmm lovely.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

....Ongoing IY training...

We spent a lot of time in group work with the Investment Year students ... we are reading through the bible together and we also had discussions on the various topics that were being presented...a good way to get to hear their opinions and clarify ideas